Introducing Raha class

Raha class is one of the modern tools for education.
which provides educational content to users through email, website and software in the context of computer networks.

If you have a computer and internet, you can easily benefit from the learning process anytime and anywhere.
Audio, video and web pages are among the most important elements for holding a virtual classroom; All of which is accessible through a web browser.
With a browser, you can easily achieve this live interaction as in face-to-face classes.

Different types of training

  • Distance Learning:
    It is a kind of education in which people are not in continuous and direct contact with their teachers and educational content is available through the Internet.

  • e-learning:
    In this type, people learn the educational program outside the classroom by using electronic technology; Like learning through CDs

  • Online training:
    In recent years, online education has emerged due to the rapid growth of technology and the widespread use of computers.
    It is possible to have live interactions and receive feedback in the style of online education. Interaction is also possible through the chat tool.
    In online education, teachers and trainees can interact with each other through the internet simultaneously and carry out the teaching and learning process.

Over the past decade, online education has become a popular option for a wide variety of students who want to work or raise a family while studying.
The main advantage of this education method is to let students out from programs such as physical presence, planning and spending time in class, class pathway, etc.
for example:
The lack of educational space in some deprived areas has caused students to waste their time going to distant areas to learn.
In every country, the concentration of high-level universities is in big cities, which leads to problems such as people moving away from their families, the cost of accommodation, transportation, etc., and sometimes these things make people give up learning.
But with this training method, these problems were solved and people can benefit from training while working in their own home.
By using this method, people can benefit from the educational content of experienced professors in prestigious universities.
Organizations and companies can communicate with their consultants to receive new strategies and make appropriate decisions at any time and place.


Raha Class privilege:

One of the common problems of providing online events is training users to participate in these events. Many products on the market require installing plugins, which is a difficult task for uneducated people. There is no need to install any plugin or software to participate in the events that are held in Raha classroom.

  • Easy to use with Persian environment:

    The classroom environment is designed with a focus on user-friendliness and simplicity. Therefore, it provides enthusiasts and users a pleasant experience of technology.

  • High quality and stable communication:

    The most important factor in online events is the quality and stability of communication. Any disruption, disconnection and loss of quality leads to participants dissatisfaction. In order to prevent such disorders, Raha class considered some solutions and was able to achieve this lofty goal.

5 features of Raha class:

Raha Class is able to intelligently measure the internet status of each user.
Adapt the quality of the connection to the quality of the Internet users.
The internet speed required to receive a live webcam image is very variable.
This speed can vary from 10 Kb/s to 2000 Kb/s.
Considering the internet conditions of domestic users, we have reduced the bandwidth consumption as much as possible.

One of the reasons for the high-quality communication of Raha Class is its powerful servers inside the country.
Due to the internet conditions inside the country, you will face a drop in quality and speed to communicate with foreign servers.
Another advantage of having a server inside the country is that your costs are half-priced.

We have enough expertise to accompany you on this path and we are ready to support you in holding successful online events.

Raha experts in different stages such as:

  1. Providing service and using it
  2. Equipment supply and testing
  3. Preparation for holding events
  4. Test perform before the event
  5. Online presence at the event
  6. And technical support and server maintenance are with you.

Frequently asked questions – webinar

a computer or laptop connected to the Internet, a webcam and a headset are enough to hold a webinar, but if the webinar is a live broadcast of an event in the conference hall, wireless microphones and higher quality webcams may be required.

For the webinar, at least ADDL 256K internet is required, but it is recommended to have 512K internet for online conference and in order to provide better quality.

Yes! ! If it is possible to play the sound and image of the online guest with the help of the audio system and data projector or large screens, the online guest can also present content in the venue of the conference and the attendees in the hall can watch the sound, image and slides displayed live.

Yes, side workshops can be held simultaneously or after the webinar in separate virtual rooms, and applicants can use these workshops online and live.

All topics which content can be presented using audio, video, and classroom sharing facilities can be held online.
All school courses, university courses, technical and engineering specialties, computer softwares, Quranic and religious education, cultural and artistic courses, foreign languages and many other things can be offered online.

Since the main traffic is on Raha class servers, it is enough to provide the necessary speed for the teacher to hold an online training course.
This speed will vary between 5KB/S and 50KB/S according to the facilities used in the class such as sound, image and desktop.
In other words, at least ADSL 128 internet is necessary. Be careful that the upload speed is important for providing content.

The teacher can attend the class and teach from any place that has internet access.

There is no limit on the capacity of online classes in Raha class, and classes can be held with the desired capacity according to the service provided.

All people who have access to the internet can participate in online courses without any location restrictions from inside or outside the country.

A suitable computer and internet is enough for participating in the online class, but for two-way communication with the teacher or other students, a headset and webcam should be used.

Yes, you can participate in online classes from home if the Internet is ADSL.

Frequently Asked Questions – Terms of Sale

Each audience who participates in your event online and at the same time is considered an online user.
The maximum number of online users in an event will be equal to the capacity of your event.

We assign the right server to your service based on the prediction of the maximum capacity required for holding events. Therefore, it is not possible to provide a service with unlimited online user capacity.

Every event has a certain duration regardless of the number of participants. For example, a training class can hold for two hours and a webinar can last up to 8 hours.
Now, if you add up the duration of all the events that you hold in a month, the total hours of using the Raha class during a month will be obtained.

You can use your service charge (total hours per month) without limits.
For example, if your service is purchased with a capacity of 5 hours per month and 3 months validity, then you can hold a total of 15 hours of online events. Now, you may use only 2 hours of this capacity in the first month, or all 15 hours of it may be used in the first week.

Yes, you can increase the total hours per month at any time. You may prepare a 5-hour webinar per month to start the service. But after holding 2 webinars, you decided to increase the webinars to 20 hours per month due to the reception of the participants, and charge the service automatically.
Service charges are based on person-hours.

If you use a dedicated domain, the address of your desired domain or subdomain is defined in your user panel, and all virtual rooms are automatically created with your desired address and held there. This service does not require any programming knowledge.

You can organize your events on your desired website and domain by preparing the iframe package You can implement the Raha class program on the internal pages of your website.
Be careful that if you use the hosting package, the required server and bandwidth will still be provided by Raha Class and only the display of events will be transferred to your website.

With iFrame, you can call your events on the pages of different websites and domains and you have no limit on the number of domains used.
The only requirement is to have an SSL certificate in the desired domains, but in the dedicated domain, all your events will be held in a specific domain only.
In the iFrame, you can also display the content of your pages in the environment of Raha class program.
But in the private domain, all the rooms are automatically created with the declared domain address, while with the iframe package, you have to manually create a page on your website for each event and do a little programming.

Before preparing Raha class service, it is better to have a relative estimate of the volume of your activity and then choose the appropriate service based on the conditions of running the programs.

Frequently asked questions – web conference

Technically, there is no limit to the capacity of web conference sessions in class.

Unlike video conferencing systems that have a limit on the number of user connection points, there is no limit on the number of user connection points to the web conference session in Raha class.

It depends on the number of simultaneous images and their quality.

No, the web conference services of Raha Class are active at all hours of the day and week and are ready to use without prior coordination.

Yes, guests from abroad can also participate in the web conference sessions.

Currently, all meetings can only be held on the Internet and it is not possible in intra-organizational networks.

Frequently asked questions – live streaming of events

Conventions, seminars, conferences, etc. are among the events that can be broadcast live and online on the Internet.

The internet of the event venue must be stable first. To prevent disruption during live broadcast. The upload speed should be at least 256kb/s.

Yes, you can broadcast more than two images at the same time, one image can be broadcast live and simultaneously for each webcam.

No, video cameras do not connect to web systems and the volume of images produced with these cameras is also very high.

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