Educational virtualization method

This virtualization solution is suitable for educational sites in schools and educational centers. In virtualization training, we act as follows:

  • We put a mother computer for each class.
  • We place one vCloudPoint zero client device for each user.
  • We make a normal network.
  • We install Windows (any Windows) on the mother computer.
    The end!

Features of a new educational site:

No need to install Windows and programs for each user (all programs are installed only once on the mother computer).
More than 90% energy saving (each Zero Client device consumes 5 watts of energy compared to 200 watts of a computer).
A Persian management software.
Real-time monitoring of all students’ performance in one window.
The ability to display the teacher’s desktop for all students.
Ability to control each user’s desktop.
The possibility of assigning personal space to each user.
It has only one antivirus version.
Make any program available to everyone with a single installation on the central computer.
No need for expensive and time consuming support (there’s only one computer!).
Update hardware and software only on one computer!
The life of Zero Client devices is more than 10 years due to 1- no mechanical parts such as hard disk or fan 2- no heat 3- low energy consumption.
More than 40% savings on the initial purchase compared to purchasing a computer for each user.
More than 90% economic savings in a period of 6 years
(As you have one computer for each user, after 6 years you have to replace all of them.
In this solution, after a while only one computer can be replaced and zero clients remain).
A more open and beautiful environment (case remove).
Quieter environment (remove sound from computers).
The teacher can enable or disable the students’ USBs.
Students can have the feeling of using a powerful computer.

Zero client price

To see the prices of Zero Client products, refer to this page.

Their difference is in the following items:

  • Management software
  • The presence of a microphone port
  • The number and input and output ports of the device
  • more efficient use of server hardware resources (have more users with a specific server)

Recommended virtualization server

Main computer specifications


It should be noted that S100 and V1 Zero Client have the approval of the Ministry of Education of Iran.

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