Virtualization banking solutions
Virtualization banking solutions are for those companies whose users need two Linux and Windows working environments at the same time.
This solution is suitable for the following institutions:
Banks whose banking system is under a special Linux operating system that loads a special Linux image from a server when the client boots.
And they need a Windows environment for their users.
All the centers that need a Linux system for some of their special software and a Windows system for others.
Solution number 1: One device for each user
This solution is not suitable for some banks whose Linux environment is a special image and must be loaded directly on the client, and this group of banks should pay attention to the next solution.
In this solution, a NOPC Thin Client devicewith the exclusive operating system of Rahaco (Linux) is provided to the user, which has a desktop, on this desktop there are two icons of Windows and Linux, and the user can change its environment by selecting one of them. And it can minimize each windows and enter the other, pay attention to the following figure: (In this desktop, more accesses to all kinds of operating systems can be provided to the user)
In this solution, we need the following:
A server with a virtual platform (VMware or Citrix) on which we can install the required operating systems and provide it to users. Bandwidth less than 4 megabits per user. per user to one NOPC i360 device. In this solution, all equipment on the user side must be USB ports or be converted to USB ports with the help of conversions. USB redirection works well and the user can access their peripherals in any environment.
Advantages of this solution:
High economic savings
The possibility of using all the features and benefits of virtualization such as HA
Very high stability compared to other types of solutions
We can provide the user with different types of operating systems and shared software
Very low energy consumption (each NOPC device consumes 5 watts of energy)
High image quality
Use – users can easily use this solution without having any special knowledge
Reducing upgrade and renewal support costs
The possibility of remote service and support
Compatible with all backup and monitoring solutions
High information security
Disadvantages of this solution:
Need to have a branch server
*: NOPC is referred to as a thin client here because its hardware resources are used to provide the desktop to the user.
Solution number 2: Again, one device for each user
This solution is suitable for almost all companies whose users need multiple user environments.
In this solution, a vCloudPoint zero client device is placed for each user, but the server side can be operated in two ways:
Placing a desktop PC (for branches with less than 20 users) and installing a Windows operating system on it, with the help of the advanced V Matrix software, we give each user a Windows session and inside that a Windows session with the help of VMware software, workstation provides the possibility of having a Linux environment as a virtual machine for each user.
Advantages of this method:
very high economic efficiency (the most economical method)
simplified implementation and use
simplified service and support
Very low energy consumption
High image quality
2- Placing a server with acceptable hardware resources and assigning a Windows operating system to each group of users and by using VMware vSphere Client software, we give each user the possibility to use a variety of virtual operating systems including Linux and Windows inside it.
Advantages of this method:
High economic savings
The possibility of using all the features and benefits of virtualization such as HA
Very high stability compared to other types of solutions
We can provide different types of operating systems and shared software to the user
Very low energy consumption (each NOPC device consumes 5 watts of energy)
High image quality
Ease of use – users can easily use this solution without having any special knowledge
Reducing upgrade and renewal support costs
The possibility of remote service and support
Compatible with all backup and monitoring solutions
High information security
Disadvantages of this solution:
Need to have a branch server
Solution number 3: Two devices for each user + KVM Switch
This is the most general solution because for each user (that is, each user can be different from another) any of the following combinations can be used:
NOPC zeroclient (for Linux environment) + vCloudPoint zeroclient (for Windows environment)
PC (for Linux environment) + vCloudPoint zeroclient (for Windows environment)
Advantages of virtualization banking solutions:
- Using computers for Linux environment
- High economic efficiency
- High stability (the client has two independent devices)
- Implementation without the need to have special knowledge (Windows environment)
- We can consider much less Windows server resources in this method. (We need 700 MB of RAM for each user and one CPU core for every 4 users!)
- Fast implementation without disrupting the branch operation